Watling Street Cemetery

Wating Street Cemetery, Watling St, Stone, Dartford DA2 6AF

About Watling Street Cemetery

Watling Street Cemetery is located in Stone and provides burials for residents within the borough of Dartford. The cemetery has a burial chapel available for use. There is space for either new coffin or casket burials in the Lawn or Traditional section.

Burial Chapel

Watling Street Cemetery has a burial chapel available to seat attendees. The cemetery charges an additional £185 for use of the chapel, which includes a 30 minute service

Residency Rules

This cemetery requires the person who has passed away to be a resident of the borough, in order to recieve resident prices

Burial Options

Watling Street Cemetery has space available for both new coffin or casket grave purchases

Grave Lease

The cemetery provides grave leases from 60 years and for 2 internments

Burial Fees


Burial Chapel

Yes - Available

Residents Of



Yes - Permitted

Watling Street Cemetery Fees Summary

Resident Non Resident

Coffin Interment

£725.00 £2175.00

Casket Interment

£1190.00 £3570.00

Coffin Grave Purchase

£885.00 £2655.00

Casket Grave Purchase

£885.00 £2655.00

Burial Chapel

£185 £185
Please note that cemetery burial fees are complex and for a full breakdown of the prices and grave lease options at Watling Street Cemetery please call our team directly for specific advice

Travelling To Watling Street Cemetery